Christian Romero, Week 09

This week’s been a doozy.

I’ll update with real pics/vids later.

For now, we partook in testing, I worked on fixing the rig/animations for the God hands, implemented Cyrus’s animated textures, and oversaw my teammates as we made our last great push of the Winter term.

Here’s hoping we’re not screwed.

William Ruoff | Winter Week 9

This week I had worked on a crystallization animation that we will be using in our final presentation. I didn’t get to work that much this weekend because of a family emergency and I needed to go home for this. The meteor trail particle system actually looks worse than my first pass so I dropped that since I would not have worked.

Cyrus Majidy, PPJ, Week 09

I worked on stylized lava pool bubbling and lava spewing particle effects early this week to go with the animated textures using Unity’s shuriken particle system. I’ve posted videos to Slack regarding those since WordPress does not support video upload.

I finished up particle effects for the lava pool and lava spurting upwards later this week. I also modified Josh’s smoke_Thick, smoke_Thin, and ring_Explosion particle effects, mainly changing the textures to fit the chosen style. I submitted all particle effects of my creation or modification to the project.

Next, I edited the weight painting of the Master Conductor Hands, fixing all major issues. I will refine and perfect the weighting of all of the bones during Spring polish. Right now, it is good for a first pass.

Hours worked: 11

Cyrus Majidy, PPJ, Week 08

Made a very simplified stylized version of both textures from previous week, the lava and volcano texture. I created entirely new textures in After Effects. Cut down the frames from roughly 700 to exactly 72, exactly 3 seconds of a looping animated texture at 24 fps. I did this so that these animated textures could be compatible with Unity and not cost so much memory. Applying filter effects to individual layers of the animated texture didn’t exactly work as expected, but we can change that during spring term if we want.
I then focused on modifying the shading of the volcano rock texture to suit the style of the lava texture. When choosing a style and applying filter effects, I tried as much as I possibly could to push for a vectorized cartoony look in the stepped shading. At some point, I had to just choose the options that provided the best results to keep my brain from being unable to distinguish the changes in style. They are indeed seamlessly looping GIFs, WordPress just fudges that up.

Hours worked: 15

Team PPJ, Weeks 7 + 8

These past two weeks we’ve made substantial progress pushing forward.

We’ve properly greyboxed and laid out the environments for all three scenes, we’ve fit them to the specifications of the Gould Auditorium at Curtis, and we’ve been hard at work touching up the last of our models and animations.

SpectatorView now exists as a prototype, which is something we were struggling to get working for the longest time. We’ve also been able to make use of cell shaders as a way to draw the audiences’ attention towards important and interactable elements in the scene.

With any luck, we’ll have everything blocked out in full by next Tuesday, for our final presentation.

Christian Romero, Weeks 7+8

Hey all! It’s been a busy two weeks since I last posted. Time for some updates.

Since week 6, my biggest accomplishment has been working with Daye Kassie to get the SpectatorView program operating as a prototype. We’ve mentioned this in previous updates as being something we hoped to have running much sooner, but hardware and software complications made that impossible until these past two weeks. We ran into so many minute issues with software especially that we had to request admin rights on our work computer just to make any headway.

Thankfully, Daye was able to get the program to work on Monday Feb. 26th, as you can see with this photo:


That is our unity build being projected through the POV of a DSLR. The only problem here is that the DSLR is taking the perspective of the camera inside the Unity scene running on the computer it is hooked up to, rather than from the Hololens like it should. Ideally the camera would view the hololens scene as it would be mapped out in the room, just like how the user would see it. Instead, it projects a 2D view of the scene onto the camera, and that static view will follow the camera wherever it looks. This should not be too difficult to solve by the end of this term. Daye’s been hard at work on this for these past two weeks, and right now I’m just grateful we got this far with SpectatorView, considering how much trouble it’s given us.

Beyond that, my next two biggest art contributions have been making animated ‘coral pipe’ models and poster promo drafts for tomorrow morning.

Michael Howard Week 08

This week I finished the survey and put it online. Its ready to be iterated on to account for anything that might be relevant that was missed. I also started on the material for the meteor. At the moment it is just a base color as it is meant to split into pieces. meteor